
Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome, emotional stress, students, bruxism.

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Ariel Justino de Moura Silva, E. ., Vittor Herbert Ferreira, A. ., Monalisa Vieira, S. ., Eudes de Lorena Sobrinho, J. ., & de Sousa Carvalho Saboia, R. . (2022). PREVALENCE OF SYMPTOMS OF TEMPOROMANDIBULAR DYSFUNCTION AND PARAFUNCTIONAL HABITS IN ASCES UNITA LAW STUDENTS. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 2.


The aim of this article is to verify the prevalence, signs and symptoms of temporomandibular dysfunctions in law students at a higher education institution in the interior of the state of Pernambuco. A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out with 251 students who answered Fonseca’s amnestic questionnaire. Analyses were completed regarding the degree of severity, where the results of the Fonseca scale indicated that 59 (23.5%) of the patients had no TMD, 124 (49.4%) had mild TMD, 55 (21.9%) had moderate TMD and 13 (5.2%) had severe TMD. It was observed that females were more affected, as well as a higher prevalence of the pathology in the last periods of graduation.


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