
Neuroscience and exercise. Exercise neuroscience. Neuroscience.

How to Cite

Silva Morais, G. ., Alves de Morais, A. ., Donizete Rosa, E. ., de Assis Arantes, F. ., & de Souza Silva, T. . (2022). EXERCISE NEUROSCIENCE: A BIBLIOGRAPHIC REVIEW. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 2. https://doi.org/10.51249/easn02.2021.624


The objective of the present study was to carry out a literature review on the subject of exercise neuroscience to identify which studies were produced on the exposed subject and how the objective of each study was conceived. To prepare this literature review, independent online searches for articles were carried out between January 2015 and December 2020, in the electronic databases Google Scholar, Scielo, Pubmed/Medline, Cochrane and Web of Science, using selected descriptors. randomly in line with the initial neuroscience theme of exercise. As a search strategy, the descriptors were organized according to two groups: neuroscience and exercise, exercise neuroscience, exercise neuroscience and exercise and neuroscience. The selection of articles was carried out by the researcher himself, independently and without the call of a second reviewer. Of the 98 articles found, only 03 articles fit the search, inclusion and exclusion criteria. It is concluded that although the articles address the neuroscience content involved in brain health, there is a lack of studies that address the aforementioned topic between neuroscience and exercise or exercise neuroscience. It is suggested that more robust and complex studies be carried out in order to start with filling the gaps between the brain and body in the neuroscience of exercise; associated with the benefits of neuroscience for exercise whether through neuroanatomy, neurophysiology or neuropsychology.



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