NUTRIÇÃO E IMUNIDADE (Português (Brasil))


Food and Nutrition.
Cancer Treatment.

How to Cite

Pereira da Silva Cipriano Fraga de Oliveira, F., & Nunes Maia, L. C. (2022). NUTRITION AND IMMUNITY IN ONCOLOGICAL TREATMENT. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 3.


This article aimed to evaluate the influence of nutrition on the immune system of patients undergoing cancer treatment, related to nutrition and the reduction of cancer risk. A literature review without language restrictions was conducted, published in the last nine years in  the databases Virtual Health Library (VHL), Latin American and Caribbean Literature  on Health Sciences (Lilacs), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval Sistem online (Medline), and U.S. National Library of Medicine of Medicine  (PubMed). The analysis of the literature showed that when the nutritional status of the cancer patient is compromised, the rate of hospitalization, quality of life and mortality is alarming. As for cancer treatments, it was noted that conventional treatments are quite aggressive and end up indiscriminately destroying cells, while treatments in the therapeutic modality such as immunotherapy induces the fight of cancer cells by the body's own immune system. Therefore, the analysis  of the research was considered that the influence of nutrition on the immune system of patients undergoing cancer treatment is of paramount importance, whether in remission or aid as in reducing the risk of cancers, and that immunotherapy is a less aggressive and more specific treatment for each type of cancer and patient.
NUTRIÇÃO E IMUNIDADE (Português (Brasil))


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