O MUAY THAI (Português (Brasil))


Muay Thai. Chemical Dependency. Treatment. Rehab.

How to Cite

da Silva Ripardo, E. ., & de Lina Montenegro Duarte Paraguassú, R. . (2022). MUAY THAI AND ITS APPLICATION IN THE TREATMENT OF CHEMICAL DEPENDENTS IN THE REHABILITATION CLINIC. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 3.


The present Course Conclusion Work, whose title is: “Muay Thai and its application in the treatment of chemical dependents in the rehabilitation clinic”, was conceived with the aim of presenting the general benefits of the practice of the Muay Thai martial art, as a tool assist in the treatment of chemical dependency within rehabilitation clinics. The objective is to provide knowledge about the possibility of relating physical exercise to the martial art, stimulating the search for a better quality of life, giving new meaning to values, changes in habits, and the awareness that it is possible to obtain pleasure through healthy means and alternatives. To demonstrate the benefits of Muay Thai in the treatment of chemical dependents, this work was developed from the methodology of bibliographic research in a qualitative perspective. The work also used the types of research of literature review and systematic review. The study concluded that it is possible to make use of the martial art associated with the treatment of addiction as an auxiliary alternative, as well as it is necessary to continue with research addressing the proposed theme, always looking for alternatives to reduce risks and damages.
O MUAY THAI (Português (Brasil))


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