
Oncogenes; Oncoproteins; Carcinogenesi; E6; E7

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Adair Almeida Oliveira, M. ., Mendes Souza Mascarenhas, G. ., Alves de Sousa Lima, A. ., Mendes Souza Carneiro, V. ., Danilo Cardoso Matos Silva, C. ., & Vinícius Cardoso Matos Silva, M. . (2022). CORRELATION OF GENETIC FACTORS OF HPV 16/18 VIRUSES AND CERVICAL CANCER. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 3.


Introduction: The 90% of HPV virus is associated to the cases of uterus col cancer and although to exist 200 different types of this virus, only two possess the biggest index of incidence, are they: HPV 16 and 18. Purpose: The present study aimed to identify the main viral genetic factors that are related to the emergence of cervical cancer. The study it is characterized as a systematic revision and it analyzes the mechanisms of action of each genetic factor and the main consequences the cellular level that are essential for the development of the neoplasm, also detaching the resultant signals and symptoms. Methodology: For the construction of the work, articles published between the years 2011 and 2021 were used, found in different databases such as PubMed and Scielo, in addition to theses and dissertations with national support. Results: The HPV 16 and 18 viruses are present in 70% of cases of this type of cancer, estimates suggest that per year there are 570,000 new cases worldwide. Of the six early viral genes (E1, E2, E4, E5, E6 and E7) only three (E5, E6 and E7) are directly related to the development of the disease. Conclusion: The so- called oncogenes or oncoproteins E5, E6 and E7 block the main cellular mechanisms whose function is to suppress the appearance of the neoplasm. Based on the data, it is observed that there is great importance and need to discuss genetic factors, possibly aiming to guide future research related to therapeutic approaches.


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