A CANÇÃO DO CORAÇÃO (Português (Brasil))


Heart. Acupuncture. Balance.

How to Cite

Cristina de Amorim, L. . (2022). THE SONG OF THE HEART: A LITERATURE REVIEW OF THE XIN MERIDIAN. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 3.


The present study, entitled “The Song of the Heart: A Review of Xin Meridian Literature,” depicts a historical and functional approach to acupuncture, especially in the meridian of the heart, since books and handbooks deal with acupuncture generally, without giving attention to the meridian of the heart, since it has great importance for controlling various conditions relevant to human health. Thus, the methodology adopted for this study was the bibliographical research as a tool to substantiate the material that was conceived, using works from 1982 to 2017, having articles, books and handouts as main sources. It is concluded that there are several main and secondary points that govern the meridian of the heart, that is, the professional can stimulate several regions of the person, providing the balance of body and mind, as there are several influences that compromise the integrity of the organism, being passible to use acupuncture as a mediator to achieve the patient’s full health.
A CANÇÃO DO CORAÇÃO (Português (Brasil))


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