
life satisfaction
psychological discomfort

How to Cite

Macedo da Silva, T. ., & Gabriela Costa Ribeiro, M. . (2022). THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LIFE SATISFACTION AND PSYCHOLOGICAL DISCOMFORT IN THE WORK CONTEXT. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 4, 93–111.


t: This work aims to know the relationship between life satisfaction and psychological discomfort (stress, anxiety and depression) in the work context. In addition, it seeks to know the levels of these variables among employees who have psychological support in the company and those who do not. For this, 105 employees from public and private organizations in the state of Paraíba participated. The mean age was 27.45 (SD = 8.47), most were female (67.4%), single marital status (55.5%), complete higher education (33.0%) and middle social class (47.2%). Regarding the presence of the psychologist in the organization, most stated that there is no such professional (62.0%) in the workplace. They answered the Life Satisfaction Scale, Stress, Anxiety and Depression Scale and demographic questions. The results indicated negative correlations between life satisfaction and stress, anxiety and depression. Then, no significant differences were found between the two groups (they have psychological support and do not have psychological support in the organization). Therefore, these findings indicate the psychological factors surrounding the work context.


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