
quality control, simulator, radiosurgery.

How to Cite

Daiana Fröhlich, B. ., & Evaní Streck, E. . (2022). DEVELOPMENT OF A SIMULATOR PROTOTYPE FOR QUALITY CONTROL OF INTRACRANIAL STEREOTACTIC RADIOSURGERY. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 4, 124–149.


Stereotactic intracranial radiosurgery is a radiotherapy technique that applies a high dose of radiation in a single fraction to treat small intracranial tumors or lesions. For this, extreme rigor in the quality control of each radiosurgery is necessary to guarantee the necessary accuracy in the delivery of the absorbed dose of the treatments performed. The objective of this work was to develop a low-cost head simulator prototype that can be used in the quality control of intracranial stereotactic radiosurgery. The simulator prototype was built using an adult plastic mannequin head, whose interior was filled with beeswax and a fixative support was attached to an ionization chamber. The homogeneity of the filling was evaluated by means of computed tomography imaging and its performance as a simulator was evaluated by comparing the absorbed dose calculated by the planning system and the absorbed dose measured in the prototype. Of the six simulated treatments, four presented relative percentage differences within a tolerance limit of ± 5 % and two presented values ​​above this tolerance. These preliminary results indicate a good performance of the simulator prototype, but adjustments are needed to ensure that the planned and effective treatment are the same within the established tolerance limits.


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