A VIOLÊNCIA NO TRABALHO (Português (Brasil))


Violence. Violence at work. Nursing.

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Ferreira da Silva Junior, R. ., Dayane Guimarães Fonseca, A. ., Otávio Maia Gusmão, R. ., Gonçalves Ribeiro, N. ., Robert Amorim, M. ., Ferreira Coutinho, C. ., Barbosa Cruz, I. ., de Pinho Amaral, B. ., Almeida Cavalcanti Magalhães, W. ., Luan Gonçalves Nunes, M. ., Esméria Neta, M. ., & Felipe Antunes da Silva, L. . (2022). VIOLENCE AT WORK AGAINST NURSING PROFESSIONALS. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 4, 205–222.


Objective: to identify how violence occurs in the daily work of the nursing team and what modalities of violence are present. Materials and methods: an integrative review study, conducted during the second semester of 2021, the search for data was performed in the Scielo and Lilacs databases, through the descriptors nursing, violence, violence at work, exposure to violence, nursing and the nursing team. Results and discussion: Initially, 300 potential references were identified for this review; of these, 70 articles were selected for critical reading in full and after, 55 articles were excluded due to duplicity or because they did not answer the questions that guide the study; at the end, 15 articles were elected for the analysis. Conclusion: the studies that were the basis for this review addressed, for the most part, psychological violence in nursing, with emphasis on moral harassment, the health professionals who were most victims were nurses, and women and those who had the lowest salary suffered from a higher degree and more frequently.
A VIOLÊNCIA NO TRABALHO (Português (Brasil))


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