O MERCADO DA SAÚDE (Português (Brasil))


biocapital, biomedical training, consumer society, capitalism, health

How to Cite

Batista de Paular, S. ., Rodrigues das Neves , S. ., Lamas Lima, C. ., Samuel Santana Dorea, J., & Lins dos Santos, F. . (2022). THE HEALTH MARKET: THE IMPACT OF MEDICATION ON OUR SOCIETY. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 5.


when we talk about the health market, we take on the challenge of thinking about the relationship between capital and people’s health. This relationship is sometimes conflicting, but it presents us with several scenarios and challenges that allow us to investigate how social dynamics relate to and define actors in society. With that in mind, we aim to understand how the pharmaceutical industry, actor and/or viewer, of the consumer society relates in an active or passive way in the process of building health. For this, we carried out a literature review, in order to analyze through the concept of consumer society and biocapital, how this millionaire industry influences the formation of biomedical knowledge and our daily lives.
O MERCADO DA SAÚDE (Português (Brasil))


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