
Tear Trough; Fill; Hyaluronic acid.

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Viviane Batista Nogueira, M. ., & Januzzi Santos, M. . (2022). MINIMALLY INVASIVE LACRIMAL DRAINAGE FILLING: CASE SERIES. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 8.


The aesthetic treatment of the periorbital, lower eyelid, lacrimal groove, eyelid-malar and naso-jugal sulcus is challenging because the region has multifactorial changes. However, it is necessary since these alterations become major aesthetic problems and cause an appearance of tiredness and sadness, generating a great impact on the quality of life. As a possible form of treatment, filling with hyaluronic acid (HA) has been widely used, as one of the safest procedures, which, in addition to promoting an excellent aesthetic result, rarely presents serious adverse effects that, when they occur, can be easily resolved by the degradation of the hyaluronic acid. product. As the entire treatment region is highly vascularized and close to the eyeball, the application of HA through needles may have undesirable complications. The present study brought case reports where treatments were performed with 25G x 50mm cannulas, in the form of micro-bolus (less than or equal to 0.1 ml) and of micro-drops (less than or equal to 0.02 ml) in submuscular and subcutaneous area respectively, demonstrating excellent results and the absence of immediate or late adverse effects of any kind, accompanied by evaluation made through photographic comparisons, based on the Hirmand classification.


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