
COVID 19, Primary Care, Integrality.

How to Cite

Kellver Ferreira dos Santos, R. ., & Eduardo Guedes de Brito, G. . (2022). PHYSIOTHERAPY PROTOCOL - POST COVID-19 PATIENT AND PHYSIOTHERAPY CONDUCT IN PHYSIOTHERAPY OUTPATIENT CLINICS. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 9.


The present study deals with an outpatient protocol in post-covid sequelae, to direct physiotherapeutic actions in the city of João Pessoa, emphasizing the importance of coherent targeting of users. The same, aims to standardize the flow to avoid possible errors and failure to comply with the principle of integrality of the SUS. Primary health care is primarily characterized as a gateway to the Unified Health System, in addition to being a privileged place for mobilizations in the care of users, it guides an entire care network, being the basis for ordering and for compliance. of comprehensiveness of care. In this sense, in addition to being necessary, among other things, the incorporation of diagnostic and therapeutic technologies, basic articulation with other points of the network is essential, allowing the flow in a coherent way and that has a positive impact on the user’s treatment. In this regard, due to the pandemic of the new SARS-CoV-2 corona virus, an approach that allows for a coherent management of post-viral infection sequelae is necessary, both to order care and to guarantee comprehensive care at all points. of AB, since in this way the patient who has already gone through a disorder thanks to the contagion, comes to fully recover, with all the services that the SUS can offer, in addition to being a guide for professionals - in this case - physiotherapists, who will act directly in that user’s life.


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