A REDE (Português (Brasil))


Coping; Cancer; Family.

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Ferreira da Silva Junior, R. ., Fiuza da Silva, M. ., Andrade Barbosa, H. ., Anelita Pereira Souza, L. ., Viviam Viriato Ribeiro, J. ., Antunes Dutra, C. ., Rocha Mota, L. ., de Oliveira Monteiro, M. ., Soares Silva, L. ., Tereza Pereira Rodrigues, M. ., Najara Aguiar de Oliveira, J. ., Scremin, M. ., Lira Santos Ribeiro, B. ., Alves Moraes Nogueira, E. ., Talita Santos Silva, K. ., & Corrêa Machado, S. . (2022). THE FAMILY SUPPORT NETWORK IN COPING WITH BREAST CANCER BY WOMEN. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 10.


Breast cancer is the second most common type of cancer worldwide and the most common in women aged 40 to 69 years, with more than 1,000 deaths annually. When experiencing a disease like cancer, it is not only the individual who suffers, but the whole family. Therefore, understanding the feelings of patients and their families in the face of events such as the disease and treatment is relevant so that the health team can plan appropriate actions for such people in line with their needs. Thus, the family presents itself as an essential strategy for the patient to transgress through the cancer process. The objective was to understand the family role in coping with and treating breast cancer. A study was conducted with a qualitative approach, using the precepts of the theory of symbolic interactionism through the technique of application of a semi-structured interview. Women with breast cancer attended at a health unit in the.
A REDE (Português (Brasil))


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