
readaptation, profession, work

How to Cite

Gomes Cabral Filho, M., Rivaldo De Oliveira , J. ., & Almerinda De Oliveira Barros, C. . (2022). FUNCTIONAL READAPTATION: AN ANALYSIS OF THE CHALLENGES OF TEACHING READAPTATION. Humans in Perspective, 4.


Readaptation is characterized as a mechanism for public servants who fall ill due to their work activity and consequently find themselves unable to perform their professional activities. The phenomenon of readaptation affects all categories at different levels and has shown significant increases especially in recent decades, these absences from work, whether temporary or permanent, result in parts of the socioeconomic transformations that have taken place around the world and mainly due to the pressure exerted on the capitalist model. about workers. Readaptation can be triggered by several factors (physical or psychological), at first the leaves are usually temporary and can be extended for up to two years. disability retirement (only occurs when the professional permanently loses his work capacity) or readaptation in another function compatible with his pathology. All professional categories that make up the world of work are directly affected by leaves caused by illness resulting from work activity. But without a doubt one of the professions that most present pathologies as a result of the professional activity they carry out are teachers, at no other time in history have so many cases of teaching illness been recorded.


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