OFICINA INTERATIVA (Português (Brasil))


Education; Speech-Language Pathology; Continuing Professional Development.

How to Cite

de Souza Diógenes, B. ., Rubhia de Lima Torres, L. ., da Cruz Soares, I. ., Kenede Batista Lima, J. ., & Santos de Assis, W. . (2023). INTERACTIVE WORKSHOP ON INCLUSIVE PRACTICES IN PANDEMIC TIMES BY COVID-19 AT A FEDERAL INSTITUTION IN THE WESTERN AMAZON. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 13.


Introduction: Studies point out the need to offer continuing professional development to the pedagogical staff and educators of educational institutions, regarding inclusive education and the practices of methodological adaptations in the classroom for students with special educational needs. Objective: Promote an interactive workshop on inclusive practices in times of the COVID-19 pandemic in a federal institution in the Western Amazon. Methodology: This is an exploratory study, of quali-quantitative approach, developed in the semester of 2021 with 12 (twelve) professionals who are part of the interdisciplinary team in a federal institution in Western Amazonia. The research took place in 5 stages, being: (1) institutional visit and meeting with those responsible for the institution; (2) institutional diagnosis; (3) application of the online questionnaire on the Google Forms platform; (4) intervention by the execution of virtual workshops on inclusive practices and methodological adaptations, under the guidance teacher’s supervision and, finally (5) feedback of the results found. This instrument was composed of 20 objective questions and will be divided into two main stages, as follows: (1) socio-demographic data, such as age, gender, marital status, income, and vocational training; (2) the second will contain questions about the professionals’ awareness regarding the theme. The data obtained will be tabulated in an Excel spreadsheet and classified according to the variables established by this study. Then they will be submitted to statistical analysis in SPSS 21.0 software. Results: The majority of professionals were female (75.0%), with an average age between 26 and 35 years (58.0%), married (50.0%), specialists (58%), and household income of 4 or more minimum wages (58.0%). The results showed that by the conduction of the workshop it was possible to align the work between the sectors involved, expand the theoretical and practical awareness of educators involved in the process of inclusion in remote education, ensuring effective care for students with disabilities. Conclusion: The conduction of the workshop allowed evidencing flaws in the inclusion process, enabling improvement through the alignment of information and knowledge, ensuring a responsive institution to students with disabilities.
OFICINA INTERATIVA (Português (Brasil))


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