
Abortion; Induced abortion; Maternal mortality; Public health.

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Eduarda Almeida de Souza, C. ., Maêdya Fernandes Cruz, F. ., Cavalcante de Moura, L. ., Cronemberger Miranda, M. ., Souza Campos, M. ., Rodrigues Vitorio Pacheco, D. ., Almeida Souza Cabral, A. ., Henrique Abreu Belota, L. ., Vieira Benevides Ferreira, A. ., Luís Sotério Lima, L. ., de Oliveira Martins, I. ., dos Santos Luiz, D. ., & Mohamad Abdel Salam Suleiman, N. . (2023). CRIMINALIZATION OF ABORTION AND IMPLICATION ON PUBLIC HEALTH. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 26. Retrieved from


Introduction: When abortion is performed illegally, in clandestine services, this procedure can result in extensive risks to the woman's health, with risks of irreversible damage and even death. In this outcome, this study is justified by its academic, scientific and social relevance, based on presenting the main outcomes related to the risks of illegal abortion, due to the criminalization of the procedure in Brazil. Objective: To highlight the implications of abortion for public health. Methodology: This is a qualitative study carried out through an integrative literature review, carried out through a survey of data in the scientific bases: LILACS and MEDLINE. Results and Discussion: The evidence shows that criminalization does not reduce the incidence of abortions. Thus, the preventive function of punishment is not achieved. Thus, in relation to the various factors involved, as well as existing circumstances, it is clear that abortion violates a number of women's health and well-being rights. The risks that abortion can cause include: heavy bleeding, infections and perforation of the uterus and adjacent organs, placental retention, subsequent infections, peritonitis, tetanus and sepsis. Even if the woman survives the complications of the abortion, the damage to her health can be irreversible, such as chronic abdominal pain and infertility. Conclusion: With this, this study finds that, with the criminalization of abortion in the country, women resort to unconventional and homemade methods, risking their health and life. Episodes that begin with an attempted abortion and end in death are not uncommon. Therefore, what is at stake for these women is more than the control of their bodies, autonomy of will, family planning and their own right to live and maintain it.



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