
Maternal Mortality; Health of Women; Complications in Pregnancy.

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Eduarda Almeida de Souza, C. ., Maêdya Fernandes Cruz, F. ., Cavalcante de Moura, L. ., Cronemberger Miranda, M. ., Souza Campos, M. ., Rodrigues Vitorio Pacheco, D. ., Almeida Souza Cabral, A. ., Henrique Abreu Belota, L. ., Vieira Benevides Ferreira, A. ., Luís Sotério Lima, L. ., de Oliveira Martins, I. ., dos Santos Luiz, D. ., & Mohamad Abdel Salam Suleiman, N. . (2023). ANALYSIS OF MATERNAL MORTALITY DURING THE PERIOD FROM 2018 TO 2021: A CROSS-CROSS STUDY. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 26. Retrieved from


Introduction: The World Health Organization (WHO) defines maternal death as "the death of a woman during pregnancy or at 42 days after delivery", resulting from any cause associated or aggravated by pregnancy, or any action taken in relation to it, but not due to accidental causes. Before disso, in front of the points presented, the realization of this study justifies its academic, scientific and social relevance, I intend to present the main problems related to the epidemiological data of maternal mortality between the periods of 2018 to 2021. Objective: To present Updated data referring to the incidence of maternal mortality during the period from 2018 to 2021. Methodology: This research was carried out, through a cross-sectional analysis, which was intuitively based on the collection and interpretation of two data that encompassed the epidemiological data on the incidence of deaths. maternal during the period from 2018 to 2021. The data collection took place in the year 2023, using the Mortality Information System - SIM and the Single Health System Data Bank - DATASUS. Results and Discussions: The results analyzed show that the year 2021 highlighted a significant increase in the notification rate. Destes, the southeast region led the number of cases, with 1,055 notifications of maternal deaths. What can be seen in these analyzed years is that there has been a gradual increase in two cases of mortality. The information presented confirms that the greatest number of maternal deaths occurred among ages 30 to 39, totaling 3,698 notified cases. However, the ages from 20 to 29 years old also deserve to be highlighted, because the audience of young women was the second most affected by the occurrence of deaths. Along with this, there are two types of maternal death due to obstetric causes, being direct obstetrics and indirect obstetrics. Conclusion: According to the analysis of the two data obtained, it can be verified that the year 2021 stood out as the highest number of notifications of maternal mortality. The scientific evidence that can justify such an incidence, apart from the complications during childbirth, hemorrhages, abortion complications and Covid-19, still has not been verified by the literature.



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