GRUPOS EDUCATIVOS (Português (Brasil))


Health of the Elderly; Educational Groups; Careful; Health.

How to Cite

da Silva Macena, R. ., Elke Lourenço da Silva, J. ., Thaise de Souza Barbosa, A. ., Victor Assis Eloy, A. ., Cristina Cavalcante Lucena, C. ., & Magda de Sousa, E. . (2023). EDUCATIONAL GROUPS FOR THE ELDERLY: BENEFITS AND METHODOLOGIES. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 16.


The experience of health promotion groups with the elderly has expanded in Brazil. The group becomes advocated as a strategy that enables action in social and cultural dimensions with the aim of promoting the lives of these elderly people. It is possible to observe in primary care, the need for teams to practice in a more reflective and active way the implementation of this reality, compromising the clarity in its theoretical-methodological assumptions, as well as the cultural advancement of evaluation of educational actions.
GRUPOS EDUCATIVOS (Português (Brasil))


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