ANÁLISE DOS IMPACTOS (Português (Brasil))


Obstetric Violence; Mental health; Women's Health.

How to Cite

Eduarda Almeida de Souza, C. ., Viana Brazil, I. ., Belém Marinho, L. ., Almeida Bezerra, T. ., & Faustino Sarmento de Souza, S. . (2024). ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACTS OF OBSTETRIC VIOLENCE ON WOMEN’S MENTAL HEALTH. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 17.


Introduction: Research into the impacts of obstetric violence on women's mental health is justified given the urgency to understand and address the profound psychological consequences triggered by disrespectful practices in the context of childbirth. Obstetric violence not only violates women's fundamental rights, but also has far-reaching repercussions on their mental health, affecting the birth experience and leaving lasting emotional consequences. The scarcity of specific studies in this area highlights the need for an in-depth analysis to fill knowledge gaps and support interventions that promote a more respectful obstetric environment. Objective: To comprehensively and in-depth analyze the impacts of obstetric violence on women's mental health. Methodology: This research was carried out through an integrative review of the literature, constructed through a survey of data in the scientific health databases: LILACS and SCIELO, with a total of 08 complete articles being selected as a sample. Results and Discussions: The comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the impacts of obstetric violence on women's mental health reinforces the urgency of a comprehensive approach to childbirth care. This research offers valuable support for the construction of more humanized obstetric practices, sensitizing health professionals, managers and society in general to the importance of respectful and violence-free care during the reproductive process. Conclusion: The comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the impacts of obstetric violence on women's mental health highlights the seriousness of this phenomenon, showing that its ramifications go beyond the physical aspect, deeply affecting women's emotional well-being. The results of this research reinforce the urgency of effective measures to prevent and address obstetric violence, promoting a more respectful and humane environment during the birth process.
ANÁLISE DOS IMPACTOS (Português (Brasil))


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