Objective: To analyze osteoarthritis (OA) in horses, a degenerative condition that significantly impacts the health and athletic performance of animals. OA results from joint overload, leading to inflammation, cartilage degeneration and impaired joint function. The etiopathogenesis of OA is multifactorial, involving biomechanical alterations to the cartilage, repeated trauma and joint instability. Clinical signs include pain, lameness and joint effusion, and diagnosis is a complex process involving anamnesis, physical examination and complementary methods such as synovial fluid analysis, X-rays and ultrasound. The treatment of osteoarthritis is multimodal, combining non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids and biological therapies, with the aim of reducing inflammation and improving joint functionality. Physical recovery and weight management are essential to improve recovery. Constant training of veterinarians is essential to ensure the implementation of new therapies and diagnostic methods. The correct management of OA can not only improve the quality of life of horses, but also extend their sporting trajectories, strengthening the connection between the animals and their owners. Future research is essential to investigate new therapeutic alternatives and improve understanding of the processes underlying the disease, with the aim of developing more efficient and long-lasting treatment strategies.
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