ESCOLA EM MUNICÍPIO (Português (Brasil))


Prevention, Licit and Illicit Drugs, Addiction.

How to Cite

Vieira Araujo, M. ., Eduardo da Silva Santos, P. ., Maria Corrêa Almeida, J. ., Mota de Carvalho, R. ., & Jeanne Carvalho Nascimento, S. (2022). SCHOOL IN A BORDER MUNICIPALITY: A PREVENTIVE AND INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH. Humans in Perspective, 26. Retrieved from


This work addresses drug consumption and its consequences on health and psychosocial aspects of students at the state school Cicero Vieira Neto, located in the municipality of Pacaraima/RR. The objective of the investigation was to point out current data, whether or not there is drug use at school, the factors that harm the user who is socially discriminated against and segregated from social and family life. Therefore, this work is a qualitative study, of an exploratory nature, through the method of bibliographic and field research. In addition, an interview with teachers and students was used as a research instrument, thus having a more direct contact with this problem that is still present in contemporary society. Comments are also made on the innovations brought about by Law nº 11.343/06, which establishes the National System of Public Policies on Drugs, especially when it refers to preventive practices. It is concluded, among other aspects, that although there is no lack of laws or projects aimed at preventing drug consumption, it is only now that the dissemination of a preventive culture begins to exist in society, which is why measures aimed at prevention are being implemented in a slow and discontinuous way, as it is known that licit or illicit drugs are a public health problem that affects thousands of people, regardless of age group or socioeconomic status, being a social problem, from from the moment its consequences reach frightening quantitative levels all over the world.

ESCOLA EM MUNICÍPIO (Português (Brasil))


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