PERSPECTIVA (Português (Brasil))


Political-Legal Perspective. School inclusion. Special education.

How to Cite

Teófilo de Oliveira, K. . (2023). POLITICAL-LEGAL PERSPECTIVE OF INCLUSIVE SPECIAL EDUCATION IN BRAZIL. Humans in Perspective, 8. https://doi.org/10.51249/hp08.2023.1232


The article aims to present a brief review of the literature and some regulations on the subject, which will contribute as subsidies for a future analysis of the perception of teachers of a municipal public school in Aragarças-GO, regarding the inclusion of students with disabilities and autism spectrum disorders, in regular teaching classes. To this end, a brief history of special education in Brazil was carried out, concisely highlighting the political-legal perspective of this teaching modality, in order to understand how legal provisions and Brazilian public policies structure the educational inclusion movement. As for the methodological procedures, this article consists of a bibliographic review that, according to Gil’s conception (2002) “is developed based on material already elaborated, consisting mainly of books and scientific articles”. To do so, we sought foundations for the announced problem from authors such as: Carvalho (2012), Mantoan (2004, 2006), Reis (2006, 2013), Reis et al (2017), Sisson (2009), among others. The results show a solid basic structure supporting Special Education from an inclusive perspective in Brazil, structured with documents and legal devices that refute social practices of exclusion and guarantee the right of all to attend regular teaching environments. However, these documents guarantee the permanence of people in the classrooms, but do not guarantee inclusion. This movement (inclusion) must emanate from the inclusive practices of the people who structure the school’s human resources.

PERSPECTIVA (Português (Brasil))


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