ALINHANDO (Português (Brasil))


Planning. Business budget. Management.

How to Cite

Gabriel Oliveira dos Anjos, I. ., Alyce Menzes, I. ., Carvalho Veloso, C. ., Estrela de Sampaio, Ângela ., & Leal Ribeiro, E. . (2024). ALIGNING STRATEGIC PLANNING AND BUSINESS BUDGET: A PROPOSITIVE CASE STUDY IN A PET COMPANY. Humans in Perspective, 10.


This purposeful case study aims to analyze the application of business planning and budgeting in a pet company, identifying specific challenges faced by the controlling sector and proposing strategies to optimize financial management and sustainable business growth. The study is based on a literature review, analysis of the company’s internal data and interviews with key stakeholders. The results demonstrate the importance of solid strategic planning and a realistic budget, as well as highlighting efficient practices to maximize operational efficiency, minimize costs and improve profitability. As a result, specific recommendations are presented to improve business planning and budgeting in the studied company, aiming to boost its performance and competitiveness in the pet sector. Furthermore, the findings serve as a parameter mainly for firms that wish to implement strategic planning and corporate budgeting in their management model.
ALINHANDO (Português (Brasil))


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