A PRESENÇA (Português (Brasil))


Companies. University restaurant. Administrative Theories.

How to Cite

Rafael Vieira Araujo, J. ., Gomes Lira, A. ., Benicio de Melo Junior, F. ., William Fonteles da Silva, J. ., Maiara Nunes da Silva, J. ., Kariely de Araújo Sousa, B. ., & Fernanda Cardozo Machado de Sousa Martins, P. . (2024). THE PRESENCE OF ADMINISTRATIVE THEORIES: THEIR IMPORTANCE AND APPLICATION IN THE EVERYDAY DAY OF THE NUTRITION AND DIETARY COORDINATOR OF THE UNIVERSITY RESTAURANT OF THE UFPI- CAMPUS CMRV. Humans in Perspective, 10.


This work’s main objective is to explain administrative theories and their presence in the daily lives of companies. To this end, a theoretical basis was obtained in books, articles and theses to promote each segment of administration schools. Then, in the field, we tried to observe all administrative precepts in the university restaurant of the Federal University of Piauí, Campus Parnaíba. The purpose was to collide theory and practice, in order to clarify the strength that administration has in the functioning of the company and in the relationships within the organization. Therefore, based on this research, it is possible to admit that theories are present in everyday business life, bringing accommodation and success to them.
A PRESENÇA (Português (Brasil))


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GONSALVES, E. P. Conversas sobre iniciação à pesquisa científica / Elisa Pereira Gonsalves. Campinas, SP: Editora Alínea, 2007. 96p. (4ª edição)

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