RELAÇÃO (Português (Brasil))


Sustainability; Social responsability; Sustainable Company; Social Impacts.

How to Cite

Rafael Vieira Araujo, J. ., Marcelo Amuniz Aragão, F. ., Maria de Sousa Aguiar, A. ., & Carvalho Fontenele, G. . (2024). RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN COMPANY AND SUSTAINABILITY: A STUDY OF SOCIAL BENEFITS LINKED TO THIS RELATIONSHIP IN AREZZO, GRANDENE AND VALE COMPANIES. Humans in Perspective, 10.


This article aimed to analyze how the relationship between companies and their social actions can positively impact society, and a descriptive multiple case study was conducted in three companies, namely Arezzo, Grandene and Vale, which had information necessary for the accomplishment of the research, being analyzed the messages of the administration as well as the description of the reports present in the social balance of both companies. In this work it was possible to identify similar characteristics between both studied entities and establish similar characteristics between both, being that each one had its particularities but that reflected internally and externally what is considered social and environmental action of each one, being possible to classify them as companies environmentally friendly. The similarities and particularities between the companies studied, as well as the reflection of their actions, are described in this paper, where it is also possible to establish greater knowledge and familiarity with the approached subject highlighting their concepts considered most relevant.
RELAÇÃO (Português (Brasil))


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