This is a bibliographical review article, and it was not done from the clinic, as we do not present here a patient/s analysis material; but around a central notion within Psychoanalysis, expounded by authors we consider committed to psychoanalysis. This notion is that of the unconscious. It is, therefore, a theoretical work constituted from the reading of works by several authors who deal directly or indirectly with the theme. It aims to deepen the notion pointed out through the comparison of the theories of the various authors used, as well as to problematize these notions, aiming to contribute to the discussion of these theories. Among other authors used here are: Laplanche and Pontalis (2001); Roudinesco (2000); Neto (1988) and Freud (1982). As a hypothesis, we can say that such theories bring problematic points, which will be pointed out and discussed here.
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