NOVOS PARADIGMAS (Português (Brasil))


Artificial intelligence. Labor relations. Economic impacts. Ethical challenges.

How to Cite

Alves da Silva, F. ., & Carlos Medeiros Abreu, W. . (2024). NEW PARADIGMS FOR LABOR RELATIONS: AN ANALYSIS IN LIGHT OF ADVANCES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. Humans in Perspective, 10.


This paper explores new paradigms in labor relations in the light of advances in artificial intelligence (AI). The introduction highlights the current context of profound changes in labor dynamics, driven by the growing influence of AI and digital technologies. The main objective of this study is to comprehensively analyze the impacts, challenges, and opportunities that arise in this scenario. The methodology adopted is based on an exhaustive literature review, encompassing scientific research, academic studies, and expert analyses related to transformations in labor relations induced by AI. In the development section, various aspects are addressed, including the ongoing technological revolution, the implications of automation and machine learning, as well as changes in talent management and skill development. Furthermore, this study explores the economic and global impacts of AI, considering how organizations are adapting to these changes and how workers are being affected. Ethical and legal challenges surrounding the adoption of AI in the workplace are also discussed, emphasizing the importance of regulations and policies that ensure labor rights and worker protection. In the concluding remarks, the need for a collaborative approach among governments, businesses, unions, and society to promote responsible AI implementation is emphasized, balancing the benefits of operational efficiency with concerns about job security and workers’ quality of life. This study contributes to a deeper understanding of ongoing transformations and provides valuable insights to guide public policies, business strategies, and individual actions toward a fairer and more sustainable future of work.
NOVOS PARADIGMAS (Português (Brasil))


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