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Artificial intelligence. Distance education. Chatbots. Personalization of teaching. Limitations.

How to Cite

Charles do Nascimento Marreiros, E. ., José Galvão do Nascimento, E., Oliveira Sousa, J. ., & Raimundo Batista Júnior, M. . (2024). ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: BENEFITS AND LIMITATIONS FOR ADAPTIVE LEARNING IN DE IN SYNCHRONOUS AND ASYNCHRONOUS COURSES. Humans in Perspective, 11.


This writing presents the benefits of Artificial Intelligence in adaptive learning in synchronous and asynchronous online courses, as well as showing an analysis of the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in distance education (EaD), exploring the advantages, challenges, application methods, cases success, benefits and limitations of this technology in remote education. The introduction presents the context and justification of the article, in addition to defining the objectives and structure of the work. In the section dedicated to AI in distance learning, the text offers an overview of the application of this technology in the educational context, highlighting the main advantages and challenges. Then, the success stories section explores examples of the application of AI in distance learning courses, presenting results, methodologies and benefits obtained. The challenges in implementing AI in distance learning are considered next, addressing issues of ethics, privacy, reliability and adaptation to different educational contexts. The following section presents the main methods of applying AI in distance learning, including the use of chatbots, recommendation systems, data analysis and machine learning. The benefits of AI in distance learning are planned in the following section, with emphasis on personalizing teaching, reducing costs and improving efficiency. The limitations of AI in distance learning are addressed in the final section, pointing out the lack of human interaction, the lack of flexibility and the possible replacement of teachers. Finally, the final considerations present a summary of the main points of the article and suggestions for future research in the area. In general, the article highlights the importance of responsible use of AI in distance learning, taking into account its benefits and limitations.
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