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Didactics. Origin of didactics. Importance of didactics.

How to Cite

Guedes Cordeiro, E. . (2024). TEACHING IN HIGHER EDUCATION: THE IMPORTANCE OF DIDACTICS IN THE CONTEXT OF HIGHER EDUCATION. Humans in Perspective, 11. https://doi.org/10.51249/hp11.2024.2188


The practice of teaching in higher education requires from the teacher not only practical and theoretical knowledge, but also a great didactic, because the didactic-pedagogical knowledge of knowledge is of paramount importance to teach and transmit knowledge clearly and concise Both it is necessary by the student much planning, organization, commitment and creativity for the preparation and conduct of classes all this to make the students motivated and interested in the content to be presented. The work aims to understand the importance of didactics in the context of higher education. The nature of the research is presented as a basic bibliographic research that had as its technical procedure the bibliographic collection through the consultation of national articles and websites. Through this research it was possible to realize how important the understanding of didactics is to the applicability of its techniques in good conduct and transmission of knowledge.

PDF (Português (Brasil))


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