The hermeneutic philosophy permeates the way since the days of Plato, of classical antiquity. Arose in the theological field from the need for interpretation of Sacred Scripture, but its main purpose to human understanding. As a doctrine art of understanding and interpretation, developed in the theological and philosophical way. Hermeneutics gandameriana has a critical task, and shall determine the true meaning of the sciences of the spirit and the true scope and meaning of human language. In this perspective contributes effectively to the learning process, and in this important learners, educators and all other actors in this process, such as: direction, auxiliary, supervision, coordination, community and family, who are the protagonists of this process, become be able to contruirem a dialogic relation, dedicated to the act of interpreting and understanding, where the subject should not be considered as a solitary consciousness senses ready to unravel. However, there is a need to deepen the knowledge about hermeneutics, as a prerequisite for the formation and the pedagogical practice of teachers and that they can develop their practice of dialogic and reflective, especially considering the fact that actors educational process are included, consider the context within contemporary social. It is therefore proposed in this article corroborate the educational, the opportunity to understand the need to engage in the learning process around a discussion of hermeneutics and reflect on its importance to the educational process.
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