LA ACTITUD DOCENTE (Português (Brasil))
PARECER FINAL (Português (Brasil))


Integration, reorientation, cognitive component, affective component and behavioral component.

How to Cite

Menacho Vargas, I., del Socorro Raggio Ramírez, G. ., Grados Zavala, E. ., Wilson Ruiz Bringas, H. ., & Margot Quipas Bellizza, M. . (2021). TEACHING ATTITUDE AND THE USE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN PEDAGOGICAL INNOVATION CLASSROOMS. Humans in Perspective, 4. https://doi.org/10.51249/hp04.2021.583


The research entitled "The Teaching Attitude and the Use of ICT in pedagogical innovation classrooms", as its general objective is to determine the relationship between the teaching attitude and the use of ICT of teachers whose purpose is to identify the relationship between both variables. Regarding the methodology, it corresponds to the type of descriptive-correlational design. For the data collection stage, the survey technique was used and two questionnaires were used as an instrument, which were applied to a sample of 108 secondary school teachers from a population of 150 teachers from educational institutions belonging to UGEL 15 Huarochirí. The instruments were validated through an expert judgment, subsequently their reliability was determined using the Cronbach's Alpha statistic, with a coefficient of 0.97%. The results concluded that there is a medium correlation between the variables teacher attitude and use of ICT with a coefficient of 0.01, the significance value less than 0.05 for the sample of 108 teachers, for which we can affirm that when the Improved teaching attitude, there will be an improvement regarding the use of ICT in teachers.

LA ACTITUD DOCENTE (Português (Brasil))
PARECER FINAL (Português (Brasil))


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