PEDRA DO FRADE (Português (Brasil))


Friar’s Stone; Literary Narrative; Regional Identity;

How to Cite

Marly Cruz Gomes Pinto, M. . (2022). FRIAR’S STONE: LITERARY NARRATIVES AND REGIONAL IDENTITY OF ITAPAJÉ-CE. Humans in Perspective, 2.


The present project wants to structure an analytical research about the geographical aspects of the rock formation known as “Pedra do Frade” and how the mythical literary narratives of local writers emphasize its importance for the identity construction of the city, such as the flag, the city’s anthem and the name of the municipality of Itapajé in the state of Ceará. From this, the research will trace the influence of Pedra do Frade in the historical-cultural identity of Itapaje and investigate the literary creations from different versions of the legend of the petrified friar that was established in the local imagination, considering historical-descriptive about the settlement of the city by capucchino friars and the attempts to catechize the Anacés tribe and exploring the reconstructions of the legend of Pedra do Frade in chronicles and cordel books written by local authors with the aim of strengthening the cultural formation of the city. Using BASTOS (2006) and BRANCO (2020), the work seeks to synthesize the presence of Pedra do Frade in symbolic elements of the municipality.
PEDRA DO FRADE (Português (Brasil))


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