IMPACTO ECONÓMICO (Português (Brasil))


salt human consumption, economic impact, animal salt, COVID 19 pandemic

How to Cite

Victoria Martínez Rojas, S. ., César Jara Benítez, J. ., Trinidad de Ferreira, N. ., & Arnaldo Dávalos Giménez, L. . (2022). ECONOMIC IMPACT OF THE DISMINUCIÓN DEL CONTRABANDO DE LA SAL COMÚN. Humans in Perspective, 5.


The research presented aims to show the economic impact of the cess of common salt smuggling on the border of Ciudad del Este, in this time of the COVID 19 pandemic. numerical results, the investigation level is exploratory, since the proposed theme is well explored and carried out to better understand. It is taken as a sample to 4 businessmen from Ciudad del Este, corresponding to 100% of the population considered, to which a survey is applied, using as an instrument a questionnaire with closed questions, considering the result of the survey it is concluded: that the The economic impact of the reduction in the elimination of contraband was positive for these companies, due to the greater flow of invoicing and gains due to the high demand of the domestic market, on the ground consumers and private companies, as well as public entities. They also benefited from the possibility of opening new markets to maintain new products related to salt.
IMPACTO ECONÓMICO (Português (Brasil))


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