Humans in Perspective

Current Issue

Vol. 80 (2024)
Published December 15, 2024

Humanas in Perspective (HP) is a collection of books published annually aimed at researchers in the areas of social, behavioral, arts and humanities. Our goal is to serve as a space for the dissemination of thematic academic production on these areas, allowing free access and dissemination of the authors' writings. Our target audience to receive the productions are post-doctors, doctors, masters and graduate students. Thus, the authors must have some degree cited or take a postgraduate course. In addition, Humanas em Perspectiva will accept co-authored participation.

Latin American Theses and Dissertations

M. Lúcia B. Proença Kayal , Silidária Ferreira de Souza Costa , Zilda Benkendorf Maiochi
Views Meeting: Reports of pedagogical experiences in hospital school care
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