CONCEITOS (Português (Brasil))


Education; Health ; Careful.

How to Cite

em anexo, L. de autores. (2024). CONCEPTS ABOUT EDUCATION AND HEALTH. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 41.


Health education is one of the main pillars for developing strategies to promote people’s health individually and collectively. One of the main objectives is to expand knowledge through interdisciplinary engagement. They represent fundamental rights for Brazilian society, internationally recognized as essential pillars of human development. Education through health methodologies is inherent to all practices developed within the scope of the Unified Health System (SUS) and must be valued and qualified, in order to promote the appropriation of the meaning of health as a right by the population, as well as for the promotion of citizenship. Therefore, researching Education and Health, a field that involves researchers from different areas, united in the objective of understanding and improving the health of the population through education, is of paramount importance for scientific research and for the population in general.
CONCEITOS (Português (Brasil))


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