We are increasingly getting closer and understanding that, in this millennium, care increasingly becomes the core of human advancement. Longevity increases and new and old diseases illustrate that healing actions within an exclusively clinical paradigm do not take into account the complexity of the countless relationships in the process of illness, social isolation, and the risks of the environment, such as violence, for example. . Therefore, we understand that, the more the professional’s training is articulated with the principles of health policies, the more this professional will develop their skills and abilities to strengthen the actions of the Unified Health System. In view of the above, it is recognized that technologies information and communication have the potential to mediate and facilitate the development of interdisciplinary processes in the health area. Thus, its various tools (videos, audios, images, animations, simulations, hypertexts and others) enhance the study and collective analysis of cases, in addition to contributing to a virtual approach between students, researchers and professionals from different areas of knowledge and places. of the world.
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