ENSINO DE HISTÓRIA (Português (Brasil))


Interdisciplinary Practices. Teaching Learning. Knowledge. Teaching History.

How to Cite

Clécia Santana de Sousa, A. ., & Lima Silva, S. . (2024). HISTORY TEACHING AND INTERDISCIPLINARITY: INTEGRATION AND DIALECTICS AS ARTICULATION IN THE TEACHING-LEARNING PROCESS. Humans in Perspective, 61. https://doi.org/10.51249/hp01.2024.2015


The present work aims to show that interdisciplinarity can profoundly transform the quality of History teaching through processes that can provide better knowledge in school education. It is essential that we know how to recognize that it is the teaching used by teachers in the classroom that will form citizens with constructive critical awareness, always seeking to achieve learning and improvements in the social environment, whether in private or general coexistence. The work presents several points that are fundamental in the formation of critical historical knowledge of society, aiming to achieve a fairer society in the face of social contradictions and thus achieve successful teaching-learning, where the teacher has to know what and why to teach history, always in a clear and objective way, placing the student as the central point and focusing on directing their learning which is its main objective, always bringing knowledge to the student in the best possible way, so it is up to the Teacher to be looking for new educational methods and Interdisciplinarity brings a range of possibilities for this reach, and a redirection of pedagogical practices in teaching history, to achieve student learning.

ENSINO DE HISTÓRIA (Português (Brasil))


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