
Interdisciplinarity. Teacher and student. Learning.

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Justino da Silva, E. ., & Alves Gonçalves, E. . (2024). INTERDISCIPLINARITY IN THE SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT: A CHALLENGE FOR TEACHING AND STUDENT ACTION. Humans in Perspective, 61. Retrieved from


The topic of interdisciplinarity has been discussed for many years by educators and experts in the field, presenting itself as a great challenge for teachers and students in this new century. In this aspect, this paper plans to discuss the context of interdisciplinarity and investigate which factors are decisive for the emergence of difficulties in this process of collaboration between these pairs. Interdisciplinarity is a contemporary movement that breaks with a Cartesian and mechanistic view of the world of education, while adopting a more integrative, dialogical and totalizing conception of knowledge. Investigating this practice can contribute to academic discussions about the challenges and potential applications of interdisciplinary methodology in the classroom, strengthening the respective reflection. In this aspect, the methodology used was through bibliographical research based on studies by authors such as: Japiassu (1976), Frigotto (1995), Fazenda (1992, 1999, 2008), among others, who deal with the topic and its problematic. As a result, the study found that excessive workload, lack of time to study other subjects and lack of training opportunities in educational institutions are the main barriers to effective interdisciplinary practice. However, it was observed that interdisciplinarity can improve the acquisition of theoretical-practical knowledge for students and promote reflective teaching practice for teachers, ultimately overcoming barriers to effective interdisciplinary work and promoting human development for both students as for teachers.



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