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Early Childhood Education - Music - Playful

How to Cite

Maria Fernandes Tuchinski, C. ., Tolovi, D. ., Rodrigues de Oliveira, M. ., Regina Fuhr, M. ., Fernandes Tuchinski, R. ., & Salviano Santos, S. . (2024). EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION: MUSIC AND THE PLAYFUL. Humans in Perspective, 11. https://doi.org/10.51249/hp11.2024.2221


Early childhood education is the first step for children to have a good development, so that educators need to provide interesting classes to contribute to their learning. Ludicity and music are present in our daily lives through our body, when we move and use our senses. Play activities and music in the classroom provide a significant advance in the child’s development, become pleasurable classes, where they reveal their true feeling when expressing, creating, imagining, communicating with peers. And the interest in research arose, to acquire knowledge on the subject. The research will be bibliographic, with the objective of understanding the importance of playfulness, music and games in the lives of children.


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