The discussion of this text arose due to an elective course in the Psychopedagogy course, we realized that it was necessary to understand who the Institutional Psychopedagogy was. But before that, we would also need to understand a little bit about Psychopedagogy, how it emerged in Brazil, what Institutional Psychopedagogy does and where it is possible to act. We seek bibliographical basis in order to contribute to the recognition of the Psychopedagogy profession in Institutions and to discuss a little about its progressive and effective contribution.
ABPp – Associação Brasileira de Psicopedagogia. A História da Associação Brasileira de Psicopedagogia. Disponível em: https://www.abpp.com.br/a-historia-da-associacao-brasileira-de-psicopedagogia/. Acesso em 01 set. 2021.
MATUOKA, Ingrid. Os Desafios da EJA para incluir quem a escola abandonou. Disponível: https://educacaointegral.org.br/reportagens/os-desafios-da-eja-para-incluir-quem-a-escola-abandonou/. Acesso em 02 set. 2021.
NOTA TÉCNICA AOS PSICOPEDAGOGOS. ABPp – Associação Brasileira de Psicopedagogia. Disponível: https://www.abpp.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/NOTA-TECNICA-AOS-PSICOPEDAGOGOS-Decreto-10-502-suspenso-pelo-STF-23-08-2021-Final.pdf. /. Acesso em 02 set. 2021.
ZUMPANO, Gabriela. Psicopedagogia: Processo Histórico, Ambientes e Técnicas de Atuação. Disponível: https://repositorio.unesp.br/bitstream/handle/11449/121825/000797181.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y. Acesso em 04 set. 2021.