ANÁLISE DO PROCESSO (Português (Brasil))


literacy. social. reading. writing.

How to Cite

Neres de Lima, A., Maria da Silva, J. ., & Gorette da Silva, M. . (2022). ANALYSIS OF THE LITERACY PROCESS IN PHASE I OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. Humans in Perspective, 4.


This article analyzed literacy as a training process consisting of three essential elements (practical, scientific, literary) for the acquisition and development of reading and writing practices. In the perspective of this work, they represented the necessary foundations for the development of applicability and experience of reading and writing in the social context of students. This work enabled greater understanding around the context of literacy, contributing to the establishment of the teaching methodology as a primary indicator for the development of the social practice of reading and writing. The empirical basis adopted portrays a group in Phase I of Youth, Adult Education - EJAI composed of 28 students. With this class, a research methodology was developed based on the technique of ethnographic studies, in order to prefer a qualitative approach to the results. The investigative essence of the research was configured in identifying how the appropriation, mastery and applicability of reading and writing are developed through the process of literacy, and how they are manifested socially in the context in which the students are inserted.
ANÁLISE DO PROCESSO (Português (Brasil))


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