In view of the importance of family farming for everyone, being the best source of access to organic and high nutritional value foods, it is necessary to facilitate the dissemination of them to the population. However, observing the difficulties of the farmers due to the lack of knowledge of how to deal with the logistics and transport of this merchandise, this work aims to observe and analyze the methodologies used CSA (Community that Sustains Agriculture) of Cajazeiras - Paraíba that has as paper, educate farmers, improve the contact between them and the consumer and consequently improve their quality of life in their work.
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OLIVEIRA, Leise Kelli de; BARBOSA, Isadora Alves; MEIRA, Leonardo Herszon; PINTO, Isabelly Christiny Monteiro de Souza. Influência dos custos de produção e de transporte para a agricultura familiar e sua relação com o desenvolvimento regional: o caso da feira municipal de guanambi (ba). Redes, [S.L.], v. 25, p. 2105-2127, 18 dez. 2020. APESC - Associacao Pro-Ensino em Santa Cruz do Sul. http://dx.doi.org/10.17058/redes.v25i0.14953
REBOUÇAS, Maria Agripina; LIMA, Vera Lucia Antunes de. CARACTERIZAÇÃO SOCIOECONÔMICA DOS AGRICULTORES FAMILIARES PRODUTORES E NÃO PRODUTORES DE MAMÃO IRRIGADO NA AGROVILA CANUDOS, CEARÁ MIRIM (RN). Ceará Mirim/RN. disponível em <http://www2.ifrn.edu.br/ojs/index.php/HOLOS/article/view/1338> acesso: em 08/08/2021