A IMPORTÂNCIA (Português (Brasil))


Assessment. School. Learning

How to Cite

Sergio De Moraes, P. . (2024). THE IMPORTANCE OF SCHOOL ASSESSMENT IN THE TEACHING-LEARNING PROCESS. Humans in Perspective, 62. Retrieved from


The general objective of this study is to analyze the importance of school assessment in the teaching-learning process. With regard to the justification for choosing the topic, with regard to its relevance and pertinence, as a proper and inseparable element of the teaching-learning process, the assessment takes on different characteristics and objectives in the school, it focuses on part of the cases in the field of results, concerned with measuring learning, and even punishing those who did not meet the proposed objectives and is hardly seen as an element of teaching and learning. This subject can contribute to reflection on the evaluation process, from a perspective that sees evaluation beyond a teacher problem, but rather as a discussion that can contribute to a better understanding of educational problems, which through weakened evaluation processes can lead to school failure, poor learning, without contributing to the formation of young critical citizens aware of their role in society. The study carried out is a bibliographical research, which used books, articles, among other studies as a theoretical basis. Assessment of students based on written tests has significant limitations. Many schools use these tests to assess students’ ability rather than their knowledge. Teachers find it difficult to evaluate the most important outcomes of their teaching, such as understanding, originality and problem-solving skills. This is because most exercises in textbooks and assignments given by teachers focus on these qualities. Schools, teachers and parents need quantitative and qualitative evidence of their students’ learning outcomes to evaluate the work done. These tools include written tests and other verification methods. No matter how hard a teacher tries to instill motivation in his students, he will never be able to inspire them to study on his own. Children need external stimuli to exercise their physical and intellectual energy.

A IMPORTÂNCIA (Português (Brasil))


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