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Family. School. Learning.

How to Cite

César Ferreira Brasil, J. ., Soares da Nóbrega, F. ., & Aparecida Torrezan, I. . (2024). THE IMPORTANCE OF THE FAMILY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CHILD’S LEARNING. Humans in Perspective, 73.


The present study aims to analyze the importance of the family for the development of child learning. The present study is an exploratory and documentary bibliographic research it is found that the methodology also exposes itself as qualitative. At the end of this study, it is concluded that family and school are distinct entities with unique functions, but work in harmony to assist in the development of the individual. This complementary relationship requires an intimate connection between the two, ensuring a clear division of labor and leading parents to have an active interest in the educational path of their children. Unfortunately, many families tend to transfer their responsibilities to teachers, despite their desire to engage in their children's academic progress. Establishing the habit of attending school and building relationships is crucial for families. This promotes and inspires confidence, recognizing that the process of transforming a child into a well -prepared adult is an extensive and collaborative effort between school and family members. The success of academic progress and the behavior of a child as an individual is determined by the quality of the relationship between the family and the school.
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