PROGRAMA DE FORMACIÓN (Português (Brasil))
PARECER FINAL (Português (Brasil))


teaching for learning, preparation for learning, teacher monitoring

How to Cite

Córdova García, U. ., Cecilia Moron Valenzuela, J. ., Diana Pedroza San Miguel, R. ., Luis Camarena-Mucha, J. ., & Isabel Mimbela Ruiz, M. . (2021). CONTINUING TRAINING PROGRAM AND ITS INFLUENCE ON ELEMENTARY TEACHER PERFORMANCE - LIMA, PERU. Humans in Perspective, 5.


The present study aims to determine the influence of the Continuing Education Program on the performance of primary school teachers. The specific objectives included the determination of the influence of the Continuing Education Program in preparing students for learning, teaching for learning and participating in the management of the school articulated with the community of Primary teachers. The study has a quantitative approach, methodologically it is hypothetical deductive. A pre-test and post-test test was carried out with a control and experimental group, each one was made up of 25 teachers, the experimental group participated in the continuous training program, finally a post-test test was applied to obtain the results of both groups. The validity of the instrument was given by the judgment of experts and the reliability of the instruments was determined by the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient. According to the results obtained, it is concluded that the continuous training program influences the performance of primary school teachers of an educational institution of UGEL N ° 12, Canta.
PROGRAMA DE FORMACIÓN (Português (Brasil))
PARECER FINAL (Português (Brasil))


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