
Literacy. literacy. Learning. Education.

How to Cite

Santana de Souza, T. ., Gomes da Costa Dantas, D. ., de Brito Xavier, D. ., & Vanessa Martins Assunção de Souza , I. . (2022). LITERACY AND LITERACY: A NECESSARY SET IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS. Humans in Perspective, 2.


The present research had as its theme: Literacy and Literacy: a necessary set in the educational process. The main objective of the research was to understand the functioning and also to know the definition of Literacy and Literacy terms, and to provide this knowledge to the readers, the bibliographic research was used to conduct the research and, therefore, to obtain the results. In view of the results achieved through the research, it was possible to perceive that even literacy and literacy are confused as a single word, we discovered their definitions and how to identify each one of them. It is worth noting that even if they are different, literacy is not better than literacy and vice versa, that is, one practice depends on the other.


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