DOCÊNCIA NA EDUCAÇÃO (Português (Brasil))


Teacher. Professional and Technological Education. Teaching in Professional and Technological Education. Teacher training.

How to Cite

Ferreira da Silva Junior, R. ., Jonathan Martins Ribas, L., Silva Pereira, F. ., Baldez Gomes, J. ., Santos da Mota, K. ., D’`Paula Ribeiro Vieira Torres, J. ., Scremin, M. ., Corrêa Monteiro, S. ., de Pinho, S. ., Talita Santos Silva, K. ., Clara Lélis Ramos Cardoso, M. ., Gomes Campos Borel, M. ., de Sousa Fernandes Queiroz, P. ., & Alves Moraes Nogueira, E. . (2022). TEACHING IN PROFESSIONAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION: CHALLENGES FOR PRACTICE AND TRAINING. Humans in Perspective, 3, 95–110. https://doi.org/10.51249/hp03.2022.793


Objective: to understand and discuss the challenges of teaching practice and training in professional and technological education. Method: a literature review was developed through the analysis of studies and publications present in secondary databases. For the search and data collection, the terms teaching, professional and technological education, teaching in professional and technological education and teacher training one by one and combined were used. Results and discussion: The attentive, critical and reflective reading of the works allowed the construction of the thematic scenario, where the discourses of the actors were established and revealed the state of the art of teaching in professional and technological education in contemporary times. Conclusions: Therefore, it is understood that the training and teaching practice in professional and technological education are complex and multifaceted, and the challenges constantly experienced by the teacher. The teacher who works in professional and technological education must, other characteristics, have the capacity to build strategies; develop creative forms of teaching-learning, to provide for the necessary conditions for the development of professional and technological education, considering its singularities, particular needs and contextual situations in which it is structured, to produce a more interdisciplinary and integrated work, to enable contextualized didactic transpositions and associated with practical and research activities.

DOCÊNCIA NA EDUCAÇÃO (Português (Brasil))


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