
Learning. Reading. Incentive.

How to Cite

Rivaldo De Oliveira, J. ., Gomes Cabral Filho, M. ., & Almerinda de Oliveira Barros, C. . (2022). THE IMPORTANCE OF DEVELOPING THE HABIT OF READING. Humans in Perspective, 4.


Reading is perceived as an interactive way in the constitution of meanings activating the previous knowledge to new, from this context this study aims to understand the importance of developing the reading habit so that it can be expanded in various contexts and environments, and the specific objective to verify the factors that are associated with the lack of interest in reading. The methodology used was a qualitative research, whose procedure was a bibliographic study in which information was collected in a database of scientific journals. The selection of articles was based on the analysis of the abstracts and full texts of the publications, having as inclusion criteria research with notification of the importance of developing the habit of reading, and exclusion those that do not contain evidence on the subject, limiting to works published in the Portuguese language. The results showed that it is very important the participation of parents and teachers in the encouragement of reading in a playful way allowing contact with the books since the generation of the fetus, allowing a greater link with the world of imagination between the lines composed in the books. Concluding that reading is transformative. Through reading the individual is able to dialogue in a coherent way, which is essential for the development of the individual in daily life, also enables a broad knowledge of vocabulary, in the way of thinking, acting and arguing. This reinforces the relevance of the study by emphasizing that it is possible to create the habit of reading through encouragement stimulated in family or school daily life.


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