A PLAUSIBILIDADE (Português (Brasil))


Affectivity. Didactic-pedagogical strategy. Child education.

How to Cite

de Brito Xavier, D. ., Lêda Caetano do Nascimento, A. ., de Queiroz Araújo Militão, R. ., Souza da Costa, D. ., Barbosa Pereira da Silva, M. ., & Cristina Ferreira da Silva, E. . (2022). THE PLAUSIBILITY OF THE USE OF AFFECTIVITY IN SCHOOL ACTIVITIES OF CHILD EDUCATION. Humans in Perspective, 4.


In this article, the plausibility of the use of affectivity in school activities of early childhood education was sought. Therefore, it was reflected here on the application of research in pedagogy for the understanding of all its likely contributions to such a complicated goal, although viable to register later. Therefore, the main objective of this study materialized gradually through the descriptive dimension of the perspectives in the field of pedagogy inherent to the use of affectivity in school activities of early childhood education. In addition, the purpose of this study was also to understand how the teaching-learning acts can benefit from the didactic- pedagogical use of affectivity. As can be seen, it was a goal that also focused on the epistemological investigation of the didactic-pedagogical relevance of affectivity in qualifying the teaching-learning process in early childhood education. For this, a review study was carried out based on a qualitative-descriptive method, favorable to explore in a clear, direct and precise way the most important details of the object investigated here. This was the case, considering the appropriate research sources in a goal of such scope.
A PLAUSIBILIDADE (Português (Brasil))


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