
Papillomatosis. HPV. Laryngeal neoplasms. Vaccine.

Como Citar

Letícia Ferreira, B. ., Maurícia Souza, L. ., Aparecida Alves Barbosa, R. ., Cristina Teixeira, C., de Freitas Villela, M. ., Coutinho Ferreira, C. ., Kelly Duarte de Oliveira Lopes, G. ., Rocha de Oliveira, B. ., Felipe Antunes da Silva, L. ., Gabrielle Rodrigues Peixoto, S. ., Emanuelle Rocha dos Santos, H. ., Gonçalves Silva Pereira, S. ., Clara Dias Mendes, A. ., Geovania Souza, K. ., Ferreira da Silva Albuquerque, I. ., Tatiane Pereira de Jesus Ribeiro, K. ., & Gonçalves de Souza, S. . (2024). INDICATION OF HPV VACCINE IN THE TREATMENT OF A CHILD WITH RECURRENT LARYNGEAL PAPILLOMATOSIS: A CASE STUDY. Health and Society, 4(01), 129–138.


Laryngeal papillomatosis or Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis (PRR) is the main cause of benign laryngeal neoplasia characterized by the proliferation of epithelial lesions with the presence of warts, called papillomas. These are often multiple and recurrent, being caused by The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Currently, there are no surgical or curative medical treatments for the disease. The literature indicates several options, including the quadrivalent HPV vaccine. In this sense, this study sought to report a clinical case of a child with recurrent respiratory papillomatosis, with emphasis on the quadrivalent HPV vaccine used as adjuvant therapy. In this case study, it was evidenced that immunization can be used as adjuvant therapy.


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Creative Commons License
Este trabalho está licenciado sob uma licença Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Bruna Letícia Ferreira, Luanna Maurícia Souza, Romana Aparecida Alves Barbosa, Claudia Cristina Teixeira, Matheus de Freitas Villela, Cinara Coutinho Ferreira, Greicy Kelly Duarte de Oliveira Lopes, Bryan Rocha de Oliveira, Leandro Felipe Antunes da Silva, Sarah Gabrielle Rodrigues Peixoto, Hanna Emanuelle Rocha dos Santos, Sabrina Gonçalves Silva Pereira, Ana Clara Dias Mendes, Karla Geovania Souza, Ivani Ferreira da Silva Albuquerque, Kelly Tatiane Pereira de Jesus Ribeiro, Sabrina Gonçalves de Souza


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